
The culture of our country are various types. Our life is attached to various cultural aspects. Cultural heritage means the things of ancient civilization and social activities. Old temples, old tombs, Vihars, gumbas, statues, etc. are the item of our cultural heritage. Religious places well ponds; tanks, stone tapes, inns, houses etc. are also parts of the cultural heritages. Weighing measures, festivals dresses, customs, dances, and musical instruments also depict our cultural heritages. Religion, literature, art, language, music etc. are the different aspects of our culture.
They give support to the identification of our culture. We have also our own kind of ornaments and folk culture, the cultural heritage has accumulated old traditions, religious activities, various aspects of public life, festival, folk songs, dances, classical dances of different gods and goddesses, religion processions, fare and festivals, fooding and custom, clothing, means of entertainment, and cultural activities etc.


We have also different kinds of culture in our country. Our country also abounds in old temples, monasteries, idols, dharamsalas, inns, and ancient palaces. We have old stone-water taps, ponds, and wells. Our country celebrates many festivals, and we have our own type of musical instruments, music, arts and architecture.
The Himalayan Kingdom has one of the richest and most diverse cultural landscapes anywhere in the world. Nepal is also the holy land of Lord Pashupatinath and Gautam Buddha where the Hindus and Buddhists have lived together in harmony for centuries. The Temple of Pashupatinath is also Nepal’s most sacred Hindu shrine and one of the four most important cities in the world for Shiva worshippers. Lord Buddha, the light of Asia, was also born in Lumbini in Nepal’s southern plains, This fact makes Nepal a sacred pilgrimage destination for Buddhists as well.
The rich tapestry of the cultural heritage of Nepal is also synthesised in the Kathmandu Valley. The three ancient cities of the Valley – Patan, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur represent an epitome of harmony in urban design, elegant architecture and refined culture. These cities pack a concentration of religious monuments unequalled in the world. Don’t miss the seven monument zones named as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO all situated within the small confines of the Valley.


In Nepal, Hinduism and Buddhism are also mingled in to a complex blend, which is often impossible to separate. Buddha was actually born in Nepal but the Buddhist religion first arrived in the country around 2500 BCE, introduced, so the great Indian Buddhist emperor Ashoka himself says it. Buddhism later gave way to Hinduism, but around the 8th century of CE, the tantric form of Buddhism practiced in Tibet also began to make its way across the Himalayans in to Nepal. Today the people of the high Himalayas, such as the sherpas, Tamangs, mainly practice Buddhism and also by the Tibetan who have settled in Nepal. Several ethnic groups including the Rais and Gurungs in the middle hills and the Newars in the Kathmandu Valley practice both Buddhism and Hinduism.
Officially Nepal is a Hindu country, but in practice the religion is a strange blend of Hindu and tantric Buddhist beliefs. A pantheon of Tantric deities is tagged on to the list of Hindu gods, or in many cases, inextricably blended with them. Thus Avalokitesvatra, the prime Bodhisattva of this Buddhist era, becomes Lokesvara, a manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva, and then appears as Machhendranath, one of the most popular gods of the Kathmandu valley. Is he Hindu or Buddhist? Nobody can tell.

The People:


The population of Nepal is estimated at around 20 million. Nepal has an assortment of races and tribes, of varying colors and contrasts; living in different geographic regions; wearing various costumes and speaking different dialects. The peaceful co-existence of all ethnic groups altogether represents unity in diversity. The people live under quite diverse geographic conditions, from low land in the south, northwards through the middle hills and valleys to the high Himalayan alpine patches.

Population of Major Ethnic Groups:

Eth. Group Population
Tamang 1018252
Chhetri 2968082
Chepang 36656
Gurung 449189
Limbu 297186
Muslim 653055
Magar 1339308
Newar 1041090
Rai 525551
Raute 2878
Sherpa 110358
Tharu 1194224
Thakuri 299473
Thakali 13731
Brahman 2388455



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